A downloadable game for Windows

A short story about the relationship we have with our heritage, explored through language. Created in Unity for Heritage Game Jam 2020!

Our team ended up only having about 2ish days worth of programming time for this so we did not achieve what we wanted, but we're still proud of our prototype, and we had a lot of fun making it. We'll continue working on it even after the jam! We hope you enjoy it. <3 


MyReply Windows.zip 36 MB


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Hi guys! Thanks for making this game - I really loved the usage of language and font in this one. You perfectly captured the dynamics of an Asian family. Ironically, the oldest generation is the one that is less particular about tradition. The bugs in the text ended up entertaining me, especially as I tried to fill in the blanks HAHA

Overall I enjoyed the story and I appreciated what it captured - I can't wait to try the fully furnished version of this game!

- Jedidiah